If I invited you on a luxurious holiday, you wouldn’t expect to spend the week at the airport. You might arrive there, have a nice meal, you might even stop to sit in one of those massage chairs, but you wouldn’t stay there. You would see the airport for what it is: a place to drop off your luggage before embarking on an amazing adventure.
The same is true with Christianity. Forgiveness is the airport through which we embark on the adventure of God’s salvation. It’s glorious, but it is the means to a far more glorious end. God cleans up our sin so that He can embrace us and lead us into all the riches that are ours in Jesus: deep friendship with the God who made us; adoption as His children; a profound sense of purpose; complete freedom from fear; and those are just a few of the amazing places we could visit.
When Christians talk about their faith as if it were all about forgiveness for their sins, it falls as short as you and I would if we sat down for a week in an airport waiting area. That’s why we need books like Joshua! They are a great antidote to ‘airport Christianity’!
Why not take the time this week to pause, pray and ponder which destinations God is calling you to explore? To help this, why not Read through the book of Joshua and/or listen back at our recent preaching series his book.
Walking in the Promises of God is a never ending adventure of discovery – lets all leave the airport and enjoy the next step.