The Great Commandment is to love God, and also to love others. Loving others can take lots of forms, and as a church one way in which we do that is through our Hope Works. At the start of this week of prayer and fasting we held a Vision Night, and here is a short video update of some key things we're doing this term to Help Others.
Not having our own building is no excuse for us not doing great works of service in our community. Hope Works is the umbrella term for the great work that already exists in Guildford and beyond that as a church we support through prayer, financial giving and volunteering. Below are some of the links to the organisations that Chris mentioned in the video that could do with some of our help.

North Guildford Foodbank
The North Guildford Foodbank are anticipating that this coming term more people will be in need of their services due to the rise in bills and the energy crisis. As such they're looking for more people to help volunteer. Perhaps you're able to support them as they provide food parcels to people or in another way. If you are able to spare a few hours per month, please get in touch with Jo here who will be able to share more info with you.
Street Angels (ran by Guildford Town Centre Chaplaincy GTCC)
Street Angels are volunteers who believe that people deserve care and love in their time of need. Being non-judgmental underpins everything a Street Angel does. They provide care and support for people who use the leisure and entertainment venues in Guildford, helping them when they become vulnerable at night. This can happen to people for many reasons, including becoming separated from their friends, the effects of homelessness, intoxication, drug abuse, assault or any other issue which has caused personal distress or the potential for physical harm. Street Angels help people whoever they are, regardless of faith or background. They work in teams, in partnership with the club and pub door staff, Police and emergency services, to enable people to get home safely.
They regularly run training sessions for new volunteers and if you would like to volunteer for them, I know they would greatly appreciate it. Visit their website for more info or contact Noelle the Guildford Town Chaplain.
University of Surrey Christian Union (USCU)
Each September thousands of students descend upon Guildford as they embark on their university courses, many from the UK and many from abroad too. The Christian Union seeks to give every student the opportunity to hear and respond to the gospel. They do a fantastic job encouraging Christians and those of no faith to get to know Jesus. Many Students in our church are involved in the Christian Union, as well as Maddie Lewis whose job it is to support the Christian union here and in two other universities continue this good work.
You can help by praying for this important ministry and encouraging our students each week that you see them.
As a church we've been partnering with Compassion to support a child survival unit in Kenya, as well as to individually sponsor children around the world. In Kenya, the child mortality rate is high, and yet that is reduced drastically for mothers who find themselves supported by a child survival unit. These child survival units provide important medical care, after birth support, finances, education and nutritional advice to the families in their care.
Each Christmas all the money given to the church, during our christmas carol events will go to this vital work. Furthermore, this year all our proceeds from the Quiz night will also go to the work of Compassion in Kenya.
I look forward to seeing many of you this evening for our final zoom prayer session at 8pm and on Sunday evening for our Worship and Prayer night at Westborough Church, at 8pm.
The zoom details remain the same each day.
Meeting ID: 889 2136 8635
Passcode: Prayer
8pm for 30mins tonight