As you will be well aware, this week our government imposed further restrictions in England. Weddings can now have 15 people instead of 30. Pubs and restaurants need to close by 10pm. Office workers are encouraged to only go in, where necessary. Increased requirements for facemasks and reduced capacity on indoor sports venues have all come into place.
And whats more – we’re likely to be in this kind of situation for the next 6 months.
So the big question is - Is it right for churches up and down the country, and specifically Hope Church to meet together physically?
In this short video Chris shares where the eldership team have got to with that question and how we plan to proceed over the coming weeks.
We have created an FAQ document, mentioned in the video, to support you. This will be updated regularly along with guidance changes, and those will be placed at the top for your convenience.
Thanks for watching and reading. For Further information please get in touch or for more information visit our website