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  • Writer's pictureChris Kimbangi

Prayer & Fasting (1/4) Why pray and fast at all?

As a church we believe that taking time to seek God through prayer and fasting are things encouraged through the Bible, Old and New Testament. We believe that as we pray, as we fast and as we seek Him, that He will speak to us, and that we can expect breakthrough in our lives, in our church and across our nation.

Throughout the Bible, before times of advance, the people of God are encouraged to consecrate themselves before the Lord. Consecration means to make a conscious, willing decision to dedicate your heart, mind, body and soul to the Lord. We are encouraged to do this to build our faith, remember who God is, and renew our trust in him. In the short video above Chris, reminds us of what that meant for Joshua and the Israelites and how we are taking time this week to consecrate ourselves before God.

To Help us with our praying and our fasting this week, we've produced these to give you things to pray for and some information about what fasting is.

*Click this picture to go straight to zoom meeting.

As we come together in prayer, we remind ourselves to whom we belong and who we are. We declare His unearned, undeserved, unmerited grace and favour over our lives. We remember His saving grace, which has delivered us, and which gives us strength to take hold of His promises. And we fast. We fast to remind ourselves that God’s plans are not our plans. That all advance and all fruitfulness is a gift from the Lord Almighty.

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9

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